Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March TNT Programs

TNT (Teen and Tween) programs in March are:

TAG (Teen/Tween Advisory Group)
Thursday, March 10
5:15 - 6:15  

TAG suggests books, audiobooks, videos, and CDs for the library to purchase; suggests and contributes to planning programs for 6th through 12th graders; and volunteers at the library

If you'd like to participate, please register here.

Monday, March 21
5:00 - 6:15  
Books & Bites: Peeps Edition

Come ready to talk about your favorite book or any book you are reading now.  After discussing the books, you'll create a Peeps version of a scene from the book.

Please register here or call the library (734-439-1240) to register.

Oceans of Possibilities!

Our Summer Reading Program will begin Saturday, June 11 and continue through Saturday, August 27. Children and teens are invited to read and...