Events, new books, and more for Teens and Tweens (TNT) in 6th - 12th grade
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Share a Smile
We are collaborating with Milan Seniors for Healthy Living to share artwork and letters with individuals who are served by Meals on Wheels.
Teens are home from school, perhaps looking for extra things to do. Individuals are home alone, perhaps looking for virtual connections to others. We hope to connect these two groups by inviting children and teens to write a letter and/or draw a picture that we can share with the Meals on Wheels program.
If you'd like to participate, please scan or take a picture of your letter(s) and/or drawing(s) and email it to Jennifer at the library ( She will compile the submissions and email them to Milan Seniors for Healthy Living. Someone from Meals on Wheels will print them and distribute them to individuals through their deliveries. Given the current health situation, we think this is the best option to share messages without sharing germs.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Perryman at
Thank you in advance for "sharing a smile!"
Oceans of Possibilities!
Our Summer Reading Program will begin Saturday, June 11 and continue through Saturday, August 27. Children and teens are invited to read and...

Update: We add resources to the sections below as we discover them, but are highlighting this one at the top of the page since it is is happ...
MI Library Quest (for 6th - 12th graders) continues from last week. Find clues on library websites, save the kingdom from the bronz...
TNT (Teen & Tween) Jack-o-lantern Carving Thursday, October 29 4:00 - 5:30 P.M. and 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. Come to the library to c...